Petra Keijser - Director of the Foundation Erwin Olaf

PETRA – Director

Petra Keijser has extensive experience as a producer and project manager in the film, photography, and events industries, spanning both cultural and commercial sectors. She has founded and managed companies and has been involved in developing a diverse range of new art and business concepts. She has been involved as producer with mulitple projects with Erwin Olaf and Shirley den Hartog since 2014.

Piek Kock - Responsible for educational projects of the Foundation Erwin Olaf

PIEK – Head of Education

Piek Kock began her career as a photography assistant to Erwin in the early nineties. While building her own career as a photographer, she remained closely connected to Erwin. Alongside her artistic work, she became a photography teacher. In addition to this, she now develops and manages the educational projects for the Erwin Olaf Foundation.

Meyke Werdmölder - General assistant at the Foundation Erwin Olaf

MEYKE – Project Manager

Meyke Werdmölder studied Arts, Media and Society at the University of Leiden and started as an intern at the Foundation in 2024.

Shirley Den Hartog - Part of the board at the Foundation Erwin Olaf

SHIRLEY – Head of the Board

Shirley den Hartog has been, for more than 25 years, the manager, business partner, and pillar of support for Erwin Olaf. Along with the other heirs of the Erwin Olaf estate, she was a founding member of the Foundation.

Feriet Tunc - Part of the board at the Foundation Erwin Olaf

FERIET – Board member – Secretary

Feriet Tunc has been master printer and life long friend of Erwin Olaf, next to his career as an indepent photographer.

Erwin Venema - Part of the board at the Foundation Erwin Olaf

ERWIN – Board member – Treasurer

Erwin Venema was a close friend of Erwin Olaf. They visited museums, discussed art and photography, and were partners in crime in "queer" activism. Erwin interned at the studio, and afterward, Erwin Olaf regularly coached him on his photography work.


Right now Foundation Erwin Olaf is in the process of requesting the ANBI status.

  • Instelling: Foundation Erwin Olaf
  • RSIN number: 866722762
  • Address: Ijselstraat 26-28, 1078 CJ, Amsterdam
  • Phone: +31 20 692 3438
  • Email:
  • Read our Policy Plan
Code of conduct

We adhere to the principles within the Foundation team that have been upheld for more than 25 years by Erwin Olaf and his team:

  • Always be honest
  • Treat everyone equally
  • Work hard, never give up, and celebrate life

If you have experienced anything with a member of our Foundation team, a volunteer, or an ambassador that you would like to discuss, we are always open to a conversation.

Please contact:

Petra Keijser, Director
+31 20 692 3438

Meyke Werdmolder, Project Manager

If you prefer to contact someone else within the organization, such as a board member, please email, and we will provide the appropriate contact details.