Petra Keijser - Director of the Foundation Erwin Olaf


Petra Keijser is a producer for film, commercials and photography. She has worked with Erwin and Shirley on freelance bases many times over the last decades. She is now the director of the Foundation Erwin Olaf.

Piek Kock - Responsible for educational projects of the Foundation Erwin Olaf


Piek Kock was assistant to Erwin from the early nineties. While pursuing her own career as a photographer, she always kept close to Erwin. Next to her artistic work, she became a photography teacher. As an addition, she now develops and manages the educational projects of the Foundation Erwin Olaf.

Meyke Werdmölder - General assistant at the Foundation Erwin Olaf


Meyke Werdmölder studied Arts, Media and Society at the University of Leiden and started as an intern last year. Now she functions as a general assistant within Foundation Erwin Olaf.

Shirley Den Hartog - Part of the board at the Foundation Erwin Olaf


Shirley Den Hartog started working for Erwin Olaf in 1998. She has been his manager and personal assistant until the end. She is now responsible for his work, his legacy and the Foundation.

Feriet Tunc - Part of the board at the Foundation Erwin Olaf


Erwin Venema - Part of the board at the Foundation Erwin Olaf


Erwin Venema was a close friend of Erwin Olaf. They visited museums, discussed art and photography, and were partners in crime in "queer" activism. Erwin interned at the studio, and afterward, Erwin Olaf regularly coached him on his photography work. Erwin is a board member of the Erwin Olaf Foundation.