Twice a year the Foundation Erwin Olaf gives away working grants for young creatives from the MBO.
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Teachers or schools interested in offering one of our educational programs, reach out to us.
Stimulating MBO Creativity

To stimulate creativity among vocational students, the Erwin Olaf Grants have been established. These individual grants are specifically intended for MBO students who want to spread their wings in the art industry.


  • Graduated from a creative Secondary Vocational (MBO) program within the past year or a maximum of two years ago
  • Answer 5 questions: who are you, what is your idea, why do you want to do this, when and how do you propose to do this
  • 20% needs to be financed by yourself or from another source
  • Have an Instagram, portfolio website, or website that showcases your work as a maker and share the link with us

Grant Award

  • The maximum grant amount is €3,000
  • You can receive the grant a maximum of once every three years
  • You may submit multiple applications
  • You will apply for a specific amount, but the commission may approve your request for the full amount or a different amount.
Get in touch

Fill in the form with your info or contact us via email at