Supporting vocational students (MBO) with tailored opportunities for growth and artistic development.
Vocational students are the backbone of the workforce. They're hard-working, reliable, and always willing to lend a hand.
Erwin Olaf, Volkskrant Magazine, June 11, 2022
MBO Module
Creative education
Erwin Olaf held students from secondary vocational education (MBO) in high regard. He valued their practical approach and drive to work hard. He recognized that their creative skills were often limited because of their training and education as skilled photographers. Erwin saw this as an opportunity to provide these students with expertise and artistic growth through internships.
Further support

Since the opportunity to offer internships to MBO photography students was lost with Erwin’s passing, Foundation Erwin Olaf seeks alternative ways to continue supporting these students.

By focusing on young creative MBO students from various socio-economic backgrounds, the Foundation aims to assist a diverse group of students. Students at art academies, universities of applied sciences, or other university programs generally receive more support because their education aligns more closely with the expectations of available grants. By supporting MBO students, we aim to contribute to a more inclusive and diverse group within the art world.
The Power of Young and Diverse Talent
Foundation Erwin Olaf believes in the creative talent present in technical MBO students and works to provide opportunities for their creative development. By encouraging these students through modules, advice, and recognition, the Foundation aims to foster a diverse and inclusive art world.
Our Contribution
The initiatives of Foundation Erwin Olaf serve as a tool to expand the existing environment of grants for creative talents. By focusing on MBO students, the Foundation invests in the future of the Dutch cultural sector.
MBO Modules

A program that offers hands-on experience in the Erwin Olaf Studio and insights into photography and activism—the craftsmanship of Erwin Olaf and his vision of the world we live in.


Twice a year, Foundation Erwin Olaf distributes working grants for young creatives coming from MBO schools.


The Foundation develops courses for art academies, universities, and companies on creative development, Erwin Olaf’s career, and the role of activism in his work and life.